Remedial Massage, Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Massage terms normally differentiate from Swedish Massage routines, which are primarily used for relaxation.
Generally all three massage techniques focus on problem muscles or areas of the body. Arguably they’re interchangeable and all can use more pressure and work the deeper muscles, not just the skin and superficial layers of muscle like Swedish massage.
Remedial Massage
Quite an old term not used that often anymore but literally means a ‘curing massage’ and would be used to remove pain and/or tension from muscles. Techniques used in a remedial massage would include: Neural Muscular Technique. Positional Release, Muscle Energy Techniques – very similar to Deep Tissue.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage is an ‘updated’ name for Remedial Massage and the principle is the same: more focus on problem areas. Techniques such as Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Technique, Muscle Energy Techniques, Soft Tissue Release, Strain-Counter Strain or Positional-Release are all trying to do the same thing: reduce pain and improve function.
When treating a specific problem we may use numerous techniques until finding something that works best on that person. Depending on the problem different things may work great at one time but not the other; or work miraculously on one person but not the next. Identifying the right technique is the most challenging and rewarding part of ‘soft tissue’ treatment.
Sports Massage
You don’t have to be an athlete to have a sports massage! Sports massage compliments the muscles own circulatory (blood & lymph) system by assisting in the removal of waste products and supporting the supply of nutrients to muscles. This will be useful if you’ve just ran a marathon or been sat at a desk for 12 hours to meet a deadline!
could be divided into:
Pre-event massage tends to use techniques which are faster with lighter pressures: designed to be stimulatory but without provoking an inflammatory response.
Post-event massage tends to involve slower and deeper techniques which are designed to aid absorption of muscular waste products and help relax and stretch muscles and joints. We primarily use sports massage techniques when working at events pre & post races
Louise, our Level 5 soft tissue therapist is currently available on Wednesday and Thursday Mornings. To book online please click here